The Keystone Pipeline
The Keystone Pipeline would transport crude oil from Canada down to the Gulf Coast.

For the past 7 years Transcanada has been trying to get government approval to build. Its construction has generated a lot of controversy. On February 19th the senate approved the Keystone construction but President Obama vetoed it. In a USA Today's editorial opinions article they discuss why Transcanada should get their approval. The president claims that this legislation evades the process needed to properly evaluate the project. I highly doubt that after 7 years that this project hasn't been properly evaluated. The Keystone Pipeline is just one out of thousands of pipelines in America. During its construction it will create 42,000 jobs but only 50 of them will be permanent. Most importantly the oil that would be transported on the pipeline is currently being shipped by train. This method is extremely dangerous. The containers that hold the oil are inadequate to prevent spilling. There has also been several incidences when trains have derailed spilling gallons of oil into the environment or even creating explosions. Railroad also tend to go through towns and cities putting a lot of people in danger.
I agree that the pipeline is a better alternative and that the presidents reasons for the veto aren't valid but I don't think it would be a good idea to allow the Keystone Pipelines construction. America should be working on dismantling our fossil fuel infrastructure, not building it. It is a known fact that Global Climate Change is happening and can have some devastating effects on humanity. It is also a well-known fact that increased carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels is the cause of climate change. Even if that weren't the case, fossil fuels are limited. We will eventually need alternative energy sources. Building up our infrastructure only makes us more dependent on fossil fuels. Which will make climate change that much worse and/or that much harder on us when we run out. Something needs to be done about transporting oil in trains but it is not building the Keystone Pipeline.